Strides Employment Program
The Strides program empowers unemployed and underemployed Albertans experiencing barriers to find and maintain meaningful employment in our community.
Gain assistance from a professional career advisor to help overcome your employment barriers and find full time work. Your career advisor will help you problem solve, define your strengths, determine what career might fit you best, and support you along the way
What does this program provide?
Resume and cover letter development to help your stand out.
Interview coaching. How to prepare, what to say, what not to say.
Job search assistance. What to watch for, watch out for, and how to apply.
Job and employer matching. We’ll work to find the right fit.
Paid Work Exposure opportunities.
On-the-job coaching so you can shine in your new role.
In-class / online training may be available at no cost to those who qualify. Training includes certificates such as: First Aid, WHMIS, Foodsafe, etc.
What qualifies as a barrier?
Lack of transportation
Age (youth or 50+)
Mental, physical, or learning disability
Some medical conditions
History of mental health or addictions
Criminal Record
Incomplete grade 12 / limited education
English as a Second Language
Extended absence from the work-force
Sporadic work history and / or job maintenance difficulties
New to the community
*If you are experiencing another employment barrier that does not appear on this list, please contact us to see if you qualify.
Contact Us
to see if you qualify
The Strides Employment Program is offered by the YMCA of Medicine Hat in partnership with the Government of Alberta