Lifeguard Training

Becoming a lifeguard can open the doors to many other opportunities. With flexible hours, it’s a great job for high school and college students. A career as a lifeguard provides the opportunity for you to develop advanced First Aid and CPR skills while growing as a leader and athlete.

Steps to Becoming a Lifeguard

  1. Complete Standard First Aid

  2. Complete Bronze Medallion

  3. Complete Bronze Cross

  4. Complete National Lifeguard

Once these four courses are complete you can apply to pools to work as a Lifeguard, however most pools in Alberta also require the course Swim and Lifesaving Instructor.

Courses Offered

  • Ages 13+

    In Bronze Medallion we emphasize the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water-rescue education: judgement, knowledge, skill, and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries as well as defence methods and releases, preparing themselves for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. To take this 20-hour course, you must be 13 years or older, or have completed Bronze Star. The course requires 100% attendance and participation to complete. The manual is included in the program fee.

    Bronze Medallion is a Lifesaving Society (LS) certification offered through the YMCA.

  • Ages 13+

    We offer Bronze Cross classes for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities. In this class we focus on the principles of teamwork, procedures, and the use of special equipment. To take this 20-hour course, you must have completed Bronze Medallion. The course requires 100% attendance and participation to complete. Bronze Cross is a Lifesaving Society (LS) certification offered through the YMCA. It is a prerequisite for all LS advanced training programs, including National Lifeguard and Instructor certifications.

  • Ages 15+

    Learn how to fulfill your role as a professional facilitator of safe, enjoyable aquatics for everyone! The National Lifeguard (NL) course emphasizes teamwork, leadership, and communication in the prevention of accidents and in first aid treatment of medical emergencies. To take this course you must be 15 years or older AND have completed Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid. The course requires 100% attendance and participation to complete. The manual is included in the program fee. National Lifeguard is a Lifesaving Society (LS) certification offered through the YMCA. National Lifeguard is the only nationally recognized lifeguard certification in Canada.

  • Ages 12+

    Learn to identify an illness or injury in a medical emergency. Discover and practice simple techniques to care for a casualty as a first responder. After completing this 16-hour course, you will be certified in Standard Fist Aid and CPR Level C.

Upcoming Courses

Bronze Medallion

Check back for info on our next Bronze Medallion course

Bronze Cross

Check back for info on our next Bronze Cross course

National Lifeguard

Check back for info on our next National Lifeguard course

CPR/First Aid

Check back for info on our next CPR/First Aid course

Lifeguard Course Application Form

Lifeguard training courses are offered several times each year based on demand. If you are interested in taking an advanced course, fill out your information below and we will email you once registration opens!